January Math Connections Here are your January math and science connections.https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7N-qRhWMnG8NGEyWTd3OUg4R0xDTEhSRGM1OUNXMEZuZmxZ/view?usp=sharing
Wake Up to School Breakfast Wake up to school breakfast! Breakfast is FREE to ALL students who receive FREE or REDUCED meal benefits! All Other Students are $1.60.
November Reading Connections Here are your November Reading connections!https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7N-qRhWMnG8SE1uT3hMZHUyT2ZjMUxOV2Z0VFdPUUpVVnl3/view?usp=sharing
November Math and Science Connections Here are your November Math & Science Connections!https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7N-qRhWMnG8aTlNaW45UVc5TFd5Q1J5ZDhpSW5HN2h1ZDRz/view?usp=sharing
Math and Science Connections! Here are your Math and Science Connections for the month of October!ow.ly/cdcz50wRxTG
October Reading Connections! Here are your October Reading Connections! #WeAreDeKalbhttp://ow.ly/mS3550wRw72
Girls' Fort Wayne Elementary Cross Country Invitational Results! Here are the results from the Girls' Fort Wayne Elementary Cross Country Invitational! Great job, everyone! #WeAreDeKalbhttp://ow.ly/Tpj950wHRaI
Elementary Opportunity for Wrestling DMS wrestling is looking for 4th and 5th-grade athletes who are interested in wrestling with the Barons!http://ow.ly/P7Pj50wU9PL
Boys' Fort Wayne Elementary Cross Country Here are the results from the Boys' Fort Wayne Elementary Cross Country Invitational! http://ow.ly/qX3950wG3eY